If you have any difficulty registering through a mobile browser (with your phone), you can try: 1. signing up on a computer instead of your phone, or 2. requesting the desktop version of the site in your mobile browser.) Please call the Office if you need any assistance. 774-2614
Formation Courses for Catechists
registration for Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
Level IIi adult formation A formation experience for Catechists working with children ages 9-12.
Registration for catechesis of the good shepherd
Level I adult formation A formation experience for Catechists working with 3 to 6 year-old children.
registration for catechesis of the good shepherd
level II adult formation A formation experience for Catechists working with 6 to 9 year-old children.
For questions regarding CGS Level I, II or III Formation, please contact Mary Ellen at 337-842-9896, or email her below.
CGS National
If you'd like to learn more about Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, click below!